Below you’ll find a collection of answers to frequently asked questions.
We hope you find them useful.

What’s Matlab?

Matlab is a numerical analysis software package developed by the U.S. company MathWorks.
It’s used to analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models.

What’s Kintone?

Kintone is a service provided by the company Cybozu for building cloud-based business apps.
Its appeal lies in the ability to create systems through intuitive mouse operations while incorporating links to other systems.

What’s Raspberry Pi?

Originally envisioned for use in education, Raspberry Pi is a type of computer that has come to be employed in hobby and business (development and improvement) applications due to its low price and compact size.

What can you tell me about product pricing?

Our products are custom manufactured to meet customer needs, so please inquire for more information about your specific project.
We’re absolutely confident that you’ll find our prices competitive compared to those of other companies.

When are your offices closed?

As a rule, we’re closed on Saturdays and Sundays, without regard to public holidays.
We also observe a number of extended holidays during the year. Please contact us for more information.

Are demonstration units available for your image inspection equipment?

Trial imaging is available free of charge.
We’ll propose an appropriate level of detection precision to reduce false detection and over-detection.

Is your image inspection equipment available on a standalone basis?

In addition to supplying systems (both automatic and general-purpose) designed to integrate with existing processes, we also supply imaging software alone.